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RESTful API for MyTourist

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Invoices API

Invoices are (by default) automatically created when a booking is added to MyTourist. Then the logies price, tourist tax and fixed products will be automatically calculated. But you can also create single invoices witch has no relations with any of your bookings. This can be useful when you’ll have additional business aspects. Think as boat or bike rentals,bars or activities.


List invoices

Be aware the from and until parameters are required to prevent heavy server load on fetching big loads of data. You can fetch a maximum of 36 days each time.


Query Parameters

fromrequiredDATE: YYYYMMDD
untilrequiredDATE: YYYYMMDD

Types of invoices

proformaInvoice is not final jet. Changed can be made during this state and this invoice is fully removable.
invoiceThese invoices are internally marked as send to the customer. Also those invoices will always have a registration in your administration.
creditinvoiceThese invoices are credited and linked to the invoice.

Financial states

conceptThe proforma invoice hasn't been send jet. So the total amount to pay is still in concept.
openInvoice has been send to the guest, now the total amount to pay is waiting for payment(s).
payedThe invoice has been fully paid.
creditedThe total amount to pay is credited with an extra credit invoice.

Product Line types

logiesThis line will calculated automatically by MyTourist. If you want to force this amount, you'll need to set this amount inside the booking.
productCan be a product managed inside MyTourist or an manually added product.


idUnique payment ID
payment_methodCan be either `bank_transfer`, `bank_card`, `credit_card`, `cash`, `voucher`, `channel`, 'cheque'
amountAmount payed (float)
descriptionDescription (when added by MyTourist user)
created_atYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM::SS

JSON example Result

         "id":"2319201102165", // Line ID
         "description":"Doubleroom with balcony - \
         7 night(s) - 2 guest(s) - 04\/11'20 11\/11'20",
         "product_id":null,  // Manually created
         "description":"Bottle of red wine",
      "11":90.38 // Rate + value

Retrieve a single Invoice

Like the list function this will return only one single invoice.


Add or Update a simple invoice

Simple invoices are invoices created without any bookings attached. This becomes handy when you sell/rent products other than your customers staying in your accommodation. In fact the technic itself is exactly the same, the only difference is that the automatically price calculation based on price rates and tourist taxes is not activated.

These endpoints will return always the created or updated invoice (HTTP 200)

POST (Create)


languageoptionalAccount standard or `nl/es/en/fr`
footnoteoptionalAccount standard or own text
invoiced_atoptionalDATE: YYYYMMDD, (will always be updated when invoice ID is attached afterwards)

DELETE (Removes proforma invoices){INVOICE_ID}

Make invoice official by adding an unique ID.

Your freshly created invoice has always the proforma type. Call the URL below to attach automatically the next invoice ID from your administration. The state of your Invoice will automatically change from proforma to invoice. Invoices with an official invoiceID are not removable and can only be credited afterwards.

POST (Add Invoice ID, Make final Invoice){INVOICE_ID}


invoice_dateoptionalDATE: YYYYMMDD (default: today)

Manage product lines

You can use the pre defined products you have already been added in MyTourist or set your own product line in this invoice. Both add and update calls will return (HTTP 200) the full result of the line you just created/updated.

POST (Add){INVOICE_ID}/lines

POST (Update){INVOICE_ID}/lines/{LINE_ID}


product_idoptionalInteger@product_id Products API
price_inclrequired*FloatPrice per item incl. VAT
numberrequired**IntegerNumber of items (Autom. +1 when adding same product twice or more)
tax_idoptional*Integer@tax_id Tax rates API

* use these when no product_id is not attached to the rule.
** Only when adding a product line. On update it wil be optional.

DELETE (Remove line){INVOICE_ID}/lines/{LINE_ID}

Manage Payments

You can easily register payments to an invoice. Be aware that we don’t send any notifications when you registering any payments at this point. You can create and remove payments. Both calls returning the Payment object.

POST (Add){INVOICE_ID}/payments


payment_typerequiredbank_transfer, bank_card, credit_card, cash, voucher or channel
amountrequiredFloat: 00.00, To credit you can also push a minus value

DELETE (Remove payment){INVOICE_ID}/payments/{PAYMENT_ID}

Download invoice

This request will return PDF content, to parse this content you need to parse as application/pdf. Note; your authentication header is still required to download invoices.