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RESTful API for MyTourist

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Price Rates

This API endpoint let you manage your price rates. Most useful to fetch price rates per roomtype.


List all price rates

Get a list of all price rates inside a roomtype.


Query Parameters

roomtype_idoptional (recommended)The API will only return the results for this particular roomtypes.
languageoptionalISO 639-1

Example result

        "internal_name":"Long weekend",
            "nl" : "Lang weekend",
            "en" : "Verlängertes Wochenende",
            ".." : ""
        "note":"This rate is only bookable in the weekends. Based on the main price with -10%",
        "translated_at":"2020-11-04 13:21:29",
        "created_at":"2020-11-04 12:21:29",
        "updated_at":"2020-11-04 12:21:29"

Retrieve a single price rate

Same result as above but than a particular single price rate wil returned in json. The same parameters can be used as the list endpoint.


Results explained

parent_idWhen rate is acting as sub price rate. (cleaner calendar and possibility to change price in percentages)
public_nameWhen rate is visible inside the booking engine we automatically translate your manually given name into +/- 15 languages.
enabled_for_booking_engineShow rate publicly inside your booking engine
closed_on_arrivalNo arrival possible at this day; mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa,su
closed_on_departureNo departure possible at this day; mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa,su
default_price_per_nightDefault price per night in euro's or in percentages.
price_per_night_percentagePrice value is percentage (only available when sub rate)

Create a price rate

Update a price rate

Delete a price rate

These API endpoints are only available for certified software partners and not for individual MyTourist customers. Please contact us for more information.