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RESTful API for MyTourist

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When you want to check the availability of a specific date range with the calculated total price (logies) then you can take this endpoint. After calling you have enough data to create an booking via the bookings endpoint.

NOTICE: When you want the availability and price per day for like calendar purposes you’ll take the fetch the calendar data calendar endpoint.

This endpoint is an fully cached results, the cache will refresh after a change took place in your account. It may take a few minutes to implement those changes into the cache.

This endpoint checks the availability on a single or all roomtypes in a specific date-range. The API will always return the number of available rooms in this roomtype. The API will also return some additional information about your roomtype to prevent extra API calls to the roomtype endpoint. Inside each roomtype you will find the price rates.

You can use the preferred roomtype and price-rate information from this result to create a booking on this date-range (when available ofcourse).


Query Parameters

roomtype_idoptionalThe API will only return the results for this particular roomtypes.
languageoptionalISO 639-1

Example result

        "id":"81912063",                            // ID of the Roomtype.
        "rooms_available":1,                        // Exact (live) number of available rooms inside this roomtype.
        "name":"Doubleroom Deluxe with balcony",
        "description":"Our best room with an amazing view over the city!",
                "id":66118004,                      // ID of the Price rate.
                "total_price":200,                  // Calculated price (without additional bookable addons)
                "name":"Conform arrangement",
                "reasons":[]                        // Is empty when rate is available.
                "name":"Bubbles arrangement - Long weekend",
                    "closedonarrival",              // Arrival is not possible for this rate on this day.
                    "closedondeparture",            // Departure is not possible for this rate on this day.
                    "maxstay",                      // Number of nights extends the maxstay.
                    "minstay",                      // Number of nights is less than minstay.